Oct 17, 2018
Well hello there!
I hope you are enjoying the Virtues of the Rosary series we have been doing around here, but since we finished up the Sorrowful Mysteries last week, we are going to take a little break before diving into the Glorious Mysteries. So, it is the perfect time to introduce you to a couple of wonderful ladies with truly beautiful missions.
First up, today's episode features Brittney Pearson from Fit Mom Life to the Fullest. And Brittney has a message that is challenging for many of us (ME!). She challenges us to accept that fact that our heath and our holiness are linked.
Brittney is a young mother herself so she knows that we can be fit, even during these baby years. She also really believes that busy moms can find time to be fit and healthy. It will take discipline (mortification--it's a virtue!), but it can be done. The key, she says, is to clearly know your WHY when you are working out. Are you doing this just to be beautiful, or are you doing this to honor your husband and your family--and ultimately your God who created you.
Brittney has taken fitness seriously for a long time. At one point, before marriage, she fell into an unhealthy fitness obsession, but she came out on the other side of that and now she can see more clearly the proper place for fitness in our lives. For many of us, we just need to hear the reminder that fitness deserves a place in our lives, especially after all of the bad habits we (I!) have acquired through years of pregnancy and breastfeeding.
More than anything, Brittney reminds us that we need to not only be good stewards of our souls, but we also need to be good stewards of our bodies.
Here are a few links mentioned in this episode:
And that's it!
I hope you are well, my friends and thank you for all of your support!
Your sister in the small things,