Mar 21, 2018
Hey friends!
Well, in case you've missed it, we've been spending all of Lent really digging into the seven vices we all face. To do this I have been pulling SO MUCH wisdom from Venerable Fulton Sheens incredible book, Victory Over Vice. We have already covered Anger, Envy, Lust, Pride, and Gluttony.
Today we tackle Sloth.
First off, I sort of hate that word, Sloth. Maybe it is my Midwest, farm girl personality, but laziness is something I have really come to hate and utterly look down upon. However, as Fulton Sheen points out, yes, we are called to work, but God's call to work is MUCH DIFFERENT than God's call to work.
All of the wisdom Fulton Sheen shares on Sloth spring from Christ's words on the cross, "It is finished." Although I have heard these words many times, it never occurred to me just how powerfully these words point to the fact that Christ was WORKING while on Earth. His entire life He was quite busy doing the Father's work. And, likewise, we are called to do the Father's work.
The two major lessons for us to ponder on the topic of Sloth are:
We are reminded that Heaven is a city on a hill, and we must work hard every day to reach it.
And so, my sisters, keep your heads up and use your work, even the humble small work that no one will ever notice, to give glory to God. He loves you and He has given you the work before you, so offer it back to him as a gift because, as St. Therese once said, one could save their soul by simply picking up pins out of love for Jesus.
Head over and listen.
Your sister in Christ,